Improve your workout quality with these daily moves
As we continue posting a one-month (one-week at a time) Bodyweight Exercise Challenge to show you that starting with one new exercise daily is simple to learn, and can be easily modified to your fitness level. If you regularly attend a gym try supplementing this at home workout to get even better results.
Prior to each day do a warmup of 20 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups (from the knees is fine), 20 high knees, and 10 arm circles front and back. This should take no more than 3-5 minutes. Then perform the exercise for the day with 12-20 repetitions and repeat for 3-4 cycles with 30-60 second rest in between. Make sure to drink water before and in between exercises.
Happy training!
Day 21: Lower Ab Leg Raise
Targets: Hip flexors, rectus abdominis, obliques
Get Started: Start on the floor using exercise mat and lie on your back keeping low back pressed into the floor. Place hands at your sides or under your butt for support. Start with legs lifted to the ceiling, tighten core, and slowly lower legs to the floor or your comfort level. Keep core engaged and lift legs back up toward the ceiling. Repeat move for a determined amount of reps.
Modification: Avoid lowering legs all the way to the floor if it causes back discomfort. Keep the range of motion smaller and at your comfort level.
Day 22: Oblique One Arm Sweep
Targets: Core, obliques, rectus abdominis, hip flexors
Get Started: Sit on the floor using an exercise mat, with legs extended in front of you, bent knees, and resting on heels. Tighten your core, maintain a neutral spine, lean back, and sweep the right arm behind you twisting at the core in one motion. Return to start position and repeat on the other side. Perform the exercise on one side or alternate sides for a determined amount of reps.
Modification: Perform the exercise without twisting.
Day 23: Pulsing Deltoid Fly
Targets: Upper back, shoulders, core, abs, hips
Get Started: Stand with legs hip-width apart. Bend your torso forward and maintain a tight core and straight back. Bend knees slightly, extend arms fully to the side at shoulder level with thumbs facing the ceiling. Lift and lower the arms slightly in a pulsing motion. Repeat exercise for a determined amount of reps.
Modification: Perform standing shoulder pulses if you feel back discomfort.
Day 24: Single Arm Triceps Push-Up
Targets: Triceps, shoulders, arms
Get Started: Lie on your right side using an exercise mat. Slight bend at the knees with legs stacked, bend your left elbow and place left palm on the floor in front of your right shoulder. Hug the waist with the right arm. Tighten your core and straighten your left arm lifting the torso. Your hips and legs will remain on the floor. Lower your torso back down and repeat the exercise for a determined amount of reps. Repeat on the other side.
Modification: Perform lying triceps extension and build up to the single-arm triceps push-up.
Day 25: Speed Skaters
Targets: Quads, hip flexors, glutes, hamstrings, core, abs
Get Started: Start in standing position feet shoulder-width apart. Take a big side step to the right, sweep your left leg behind you, and swing left arm across your body. Alternate this move with a big step left, and sweep right leg behind you, swinging right arm across your body. Alternate the skating move side to side for a determined amount of reps or for time.
Modification: Advance the move by adding a hop instead of a step and quicken the pace. Beginning skaters maintain a step touchback and can keep the step range smaller.
Day 26: Walking Lunge
Targets: Hips, glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, core
Get Started: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on hips. Tighten your core and step forward with the right leg, weight over the right heel upon landing. Maintain left foot on the ball. Lower your hips until your right knee is at a 90-degree angle (knee doesn’t have to touch the ground). Maintain good posture and look forward. Raise your body and step forward with the left or back leg to start position. Step forward with the left leg and repeat lunge directions. Continue the walking lunge for a determined amount of reps.
Modification: Perform lunge without walking until stability improves (as demonstrated).
Day 27: Front Kick Lunge
Targets: Glutes, hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, calves, core
Get Started: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Tighten the core, maintain a neutral spine, and look straight ahead. Step back with the right leg into a lunge position, push off the ball of the foot, extend and launch right leg into a front kick. Return the right leg to start position and repeat on the other side. Perform exercise for a determined number of reps.
Modification: Perform front kicks without lunge.
Day 28: Triceps Dip
Targets: Triceps, shoulders
Get Started: Sit on the edge of a stable chair and place your hands shoulder-width apart. Slide your butt just off the chair, keep arms straight with a slight bend in elbows, extend legs, and rest feet on heels. Maintain a tight core, keep body close to the chair, look straight ahead, and lower your body toward the floor bending elbows to about 90 degrees. Press down into the chair, extend elbows, and raise your body up to start position. Perform exercise for a determined number of reps.
Modification: Perform exercise with bent knees. Another option is performing exercise on the floor.
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