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Slow Cooker Italian Stuffed Peppers

Makes 4 servings.


• ½ tsp ground black pepper

• 2 cups cauliflower rice or broccoli rice

• 1 clove garlic, minced

• 2 lbs. 99% lean ground turkey

• 1½ tsp Italian seasoning

• ½ tsp kosher salt

• 8 tsp olive oil

• 4 red bell peppers, tops removed, seeds and ribs removed

• 3 tbsp reduced-fat grated parmesan cheese

• 1 tbsp tomato paste

• 1 cup water


1. Heat the olive oil in a sauté pan over medium-high heat.

2. Add the ground turkey and break it into very small pieces using a wooden spoon. Season the turkey with salt and pepper and continue stirring. Allow the turkey to cook until lightly browned. 

3. Add the garlic and continue cooking until garlic becomes aromatic, about 1 minute.

4. Add the cauliflower rice, tomato paste, and Italian seasoning and stir to fully incorporate. 

5. Add a ½ cup of water to the turkey mixture and stir to combine. Remove pan from heat.

6. Distribute the cooked turkey filling evenly amongst the 4 red peppers.

7. Pour a ½ cup of water into the slow cooker and then add the 4 stuffed peppers.

8. Cook the peppers on low for 4½ to 5 hours or until very tender. When done, carefully remove each pepper with tongs.

9. When ready to serve, top each pepper with ¾ tablespoon of parmesan cheese.



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